26 week check-up

I had my 26-week check-up at the OB today, and everything pregnancy-related is going quite well! Before I get to that, though, let me fill you in on my ankle woes, since I'll be blogging an update on that after my appt with the orthopedist on Wednesday afternoon. Simply put, Sunday school is hazardous to my health. Okay, maybe not, but I stood up after class ended on Sunday, and while my right foot didn't feel asleep, it had no feeling whatsoever. I didn't realize this until I tried to plant it on the floor and put weight on it, only to have to side of my foot - rather than the bottom - connect with the floor. I was already in motion at this point, so my weight came down on it, and I felt and heard several loud pops. In an attempt to keep from falling over, I took another couple steps, and basically repeated the whole put-weight-on-side-of-foot, hear/feel-several-pops process again. By this time, Lee caught me, so I didn't fall, but my ankle is pretty badly messed up. My OB doesn't think it's broken (but didn't totally rule that out), but thinks it's messed up enough that I need to see an orthopedist this week. He thinks I probably tore at least a few tendons/ligaments, which is exactly what a pregnant lady with a toddler at home needs! He also thinks the cause for the whole incident was likely Robbie resting just right on a nerve so that I lost feeling in my foot without realizing it. That little boy is already causing trouble! ;) My goodness! Please pray for speedy healing, specifically for me to be able to put weight on it soon without extreme pain!

Now back to the OB appt ... after all that wordiness, here are some pics of Jocelyn playing in the waiting room.

From January 2009

Helping me play my Phase 10 game (I love the card game, Lee does not, so he bought me one I could play by myself to make us both happy!)
From January 2009

After she stole my game
From January 2009

The reason I brought my Phase 10 game is that this was the glucose screening test. You mommies know the drill: drink sickeningly sweet stuff, wait an hour, have your blood tested to determine if you need further testing for gestational diabetes. The VERY exciting news is that I passed the glucose test (which was not expected due to taking prednisone) and my iron levels are actually higher now than they were a month ago (which means that they don't think I'll be anemic this pregnancy - marvelous given how sickly anemic I was with Jocelyn!). Robbie's heartbeat was strong, and I'm measuring exactly the size I should be right now, so 'twas good news all around!

Also, given that I haven't been feeling sick after eating carbs lately, given that my weight hasn't gone up much in the past month or two (during which I haven't been good at avoiding carbs), and given that I passed the glucose test with room to spare, I still have to watch carbs but nothing like before! WOOHOO! So what did I do after getting this news, you ask?

From January 2009

Yep, that's a Dunkin' Donuts box! And Jocelyn was an angel at the appointment (though she did have Lee there too - he stayed home this morning because I can't walk much right now), so she got her own pink-frosted donut with sprinkles!

From January 2009

From January 2009

From January 2009

From January 2009

And one last one of Jocelyn running around the table with her donut! This is my first shot at fancy photo editing stuff on Photoshop Elements - I'm enjoying it so far!

From January 2009