disability ministry weekly round-up {12-4-11}

It was refreshing to return to church after two weeks of vacation. The road trip from here to South Texas - with a few stops along the way there and back - gave me 3,867 miles in the car with my loved ones and several days with dear friends in Alabama and Texas. I am back rejuvenated (and ready to tackle unpacking and laundry later today!).

Different Dream Parenting {book review and giveaway!} You might have missed this post since I don't usually blog on Saturdays, and I want to make sure you don't overlook it. This book is a great resource to parents and ministry leaders alike, and I have ONE copy for one of YOU!

These Words... Jeneil blogged about Rhema's experience receiving her Bible along with the other second graders at church last week. Rhema has autism and a seizure disorder, and I love that she was included with her same-aged peers in this little ceremony.

Providence Baptist Church's services LIVE If you're one of the families from my church (or even if you're not!) and have to miss a Sunday morning, here's the link to the live service. It seems to be streamed at 11am each Sunday (and that's Eastern time for any of my friends who aren't in the area). I'm not an advocate of online church as a substitute for live, in-person connections to a body of believers, but it can be a nice option when kids are sick or isolated as they prep for surgery.

Registration for our December 10th respite event We have many new families registered, but we still have room for more. Please get the word out, especially if you're in the Raleigh area!

The Mental Health Needs of Kids in Foster Care If your church is serious about adoption (and if you're serious about God's word, you should be), then you need to have your eyes wide open to the links between adoption and special needs, including the ones pointed out in this post.

Fidget Toys: Do they really work? Yes. And no.

'Gold love' exhibit celebrates God, individuality This is an article about an artistic teen with autism who loves God, "despite rarely going to church because of sensory integration issues." Won't you join me in praying for a church to welcome him?

Autism in the Classroom This article, on the Building Faith website, is useful and practical for helping kids with autism in church settings.

Praying for you and your church today! If you have any specific requests, please leave a comment with them, and I would love to pray for you.