the house that wasn't

When we were searching for our new house, I found one potential house on MLS that I thought could be a good fit. The main floor was a sizeable ranch that, although dated, looked like it would meet our needs well, and it had a basement with tons of potential for workshop and play space.


It was, um, quirky. And some of the quirks were too much for us to handle, considering that our fixer-upper tolerance isn't high right now with everything else we'll have on our hands in the next couple years. So this will be a good house for someone... just not us.

The quirks were too much to keep to ourselves, though. Thus cometh this posteth.

For starters, the home had been left to three brothers in their parents' will. Evidently, those brothers like whiskey shots.

Naturally, it is important for every closet and cabinet to smell potpourri-y. And for every shelf to be lined with lace.

I had a bedroom door like this once upon a time. (I think I would replace the door before trying to sell my parents' house, though.)

What's that? You'd like to see a little more detail on that door? Sure, I can oblige.

In case you want to take up the train hobby that the old man had, the display space and cabinets in the basement are waiting for you! (And if you'd like to paint your own trains, one area of the basement has external ventilation so that the fumes won't get to you.)

And, of course, knick knacks could abound in the built-ins you'll find in every place you'd imagine. And many you wouldn't.

I would have loved to know the elderly couple who owned this place. I bet they could tell some stories!