my boy's ability that I envy the most


I'm not a great sleeper, but this guy is.

I was going through old pictures from the past year, many of which had never been posted.

And I realized a common theme in many of my boy's pictures,

Robs loves sleep.

Even if it's in the front seat of a car while we're at a friend's ranch in Texas.

Or, during the same road trip, on the couch of another friend's house.

Or today, while sitting upright next to my bed. (Note the drool on the blanket from one time when he fell over and slept there a moment.)

My dear mother-in-law tells stories of Lee getting tired at the playground, climbing into other people's strollers, and taking a nap. Or falling asleep into his spaghetti.

Yep, I'd say Robbie takes after his daddy.

How about you? Are you like him - able to sleep anywhere - or like me? 
Anything else your kiddo(s) - or a kiddo you love - can do that you wish you could?