How do you do it all? My secret: Lee is awesome.


He loves Jesus.

He packs Jocelyn’s lunch every day.

He cooks most of our meals.

He does bedtime routines with the kids in the evening.

He comes home for lunch almost every day.

He makes me laugh.

He stays home with the kids when I have speaking engagements.

He walks the dog every morning and most nights.

He drives whenever we go anywhere as a family. (I abhor driving.)

He leads our church’s special needs ministry with me. (Oh, how it makes me fall in love with him all over again each time he advocates for one of our Access Ministry kids!)

He brings Jocelyn to school once a week so that I don’t have to juggle carpool and Bible study that morning.

He’s savvy with money.

He doesn’t complain when I need some time to myself in the evenings when he gets home from work.

He’s my best friend.

He’s handy around the house and all things technological.

He loves all kids, especially ours.

When I say, “This is crazy, but I was thinking…” he hears me out, knowing that I might be suggesting another adoption or simply considering painting our doors a bright shade of aqua.

I could say sooooooooooooooooo much more, but I’ll stop there.

 How do I do it all?

I don’t. 

We’re a team. Lee does a whole lot.

I am so in love with him.