join us at Chick-fil-A on Saturday, June 22! {and feel free to give me a hug, because I could use one}

Before I share the details about the Chick-fil-A day benefiting our adoption, let me share where my heart is right now.

It is hurting.

Today, I was able to throw myself into serving precious little ones at our church's Super Summer Adventure (aka Vacation Bible School)  but my mind was elsewhere.

Specifically, in Africa.

One of the precious adoptive mamas from the same orphanage shared with me that our precious one with HIV was feeling crummy health-wise during the month they were there. I wish I could say her observation was a fluke, but it's typical. Simply put, the care and treatment needed for pediatric HIV is just not available to most people in Uganda.

Including our darling child. 

That dear mama wrote this to me (slightly edited to remove gender pronouns, since we're not disclosing online which one of our three Ugandan siblings is HIV+), "One day I just sat with P on the couch rubbing P's back as P slept- P needs a mommy. I can't wait for you to go."

Me neither.

If you saw me at church today, don't feel bad that I didn't bring this up. I couldn't. I was there to serve, and I needed to serve to quiet my worries. If I had mentioned it, I would have been a puddle of tears.

And I even put on eye makeup today, so that would have been really unfortunate.

All this to say: I am in need of encouragement. So if you have a hug to offer, I'm willing to accept it.

Another way you can encourage us is by joining us at our Chick-fil-A Fundraising Day THIS SATURDAY from either 11am-2pm or 4pm-7pm (or both times, if your arteries your budget your appetite can handle that). Let them know at the drive-thru or register that you're there to support our adoption - or, even better, show them the flyer below! - and a portion of what you pay will come back to us for adoption expenses.

This is only good THIS SATURDAY and only at the TOWNRIDGE SQUARE Chick-fil-A (the one on Glenwood, near Providence Baptist Church). Check out the Facebook event page for more info.

This event will also kick off our silent auction, which you can find at We have more than $6,500 of items up for auction, so I'm sure there's something you'd love! We've paid/raised $14,500 total, but we have $25,500 more to go before our adoption expenses, including travel for me and Lee and our newest three, are paid in full.

As for my heart? I'm encouraged by this shortened verse our kindergarteners (including my Jocelyn) are learning this week at church:
God helps me. I will not be afraid.
Hebrews 13:6
He does. And I won't.