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Why implement special needs ministry at your church? Is it worth the effort?

I have a few posts that answer that question in different ways:
  • If what you're asking is "What's the biblical basis for this?" then this post might help.
  • If what you're asking is "What is special needs ministry anyway?" then this post explaining why it isn't a program is a good place to look. Also, this post might help.
  • If what you're asking is "How does this ministry centered in the Gospel?" then you might want to check this post. This one one might be good too. And this one. And this one about God's unwavering faithfulness even when he says no. And this one about imputed righteousness.
  • If you're thinking, "Okay, that sounds nice, but what are we missing out on if we don't do it?," read this. And this. And this. And this.
  • And if you're looking for all posts from this blog that explain the "whys" of special needs ministry, then scroll down to see a list of those.
Thank you for being willing to think about what special needs ministry could look like at your church. Please leave a comment here or email me (shannon@theworksofgoddisplayed.com) if you have any questions or if there's a "why"-related question you'd like me to address.

Here's the list of post written from the start of this blog through September 2011 about the reasons for special needs ministry:

A symptom of a larger problem (Our problem isn't that we don't welcome people with special needs. That's just a symptom.)
The biblical basis for special needs ministry
What's it all about? (hint: Jesus!)
Are you okay with only sharing the Gospel with 5 out of every 6 kids? Me neither. (One of my favorites!)
Who is welcome at your church? (my first post!)
a kid first (why the person is more important than the disability)
What disability ministry is
What I take for granted at church because my kids don't have disabilities
How pop culture is getting it right more often than we are ... and how they get it wrong too
a post on considering the perspective of others 
What if being the church influenced how we live in our communities and not just where we go on Sundays?
a rant on injustice
What we can learn from one man (Michael W. Smith) noticing and encouraging a star-struck teen (me)
An opportunity or an inconvenience? 
Image bearers encountering Christ 
What if the healing comes? And what if it doesn't?
See the person. See the image of God. See the handiwork. See the righteousness.
Words. They matter.
If we value life, we don't get to choose which lives we value

My series of "But what if..." posts:
What the Bible says
Fantastic video about special needs ministry (includes a video from the Texas Baptist organization)

A series of guest posts from people with disabilities and their family members: Fridays from the Families