the next right step

We changed churches. We’ve changed some patterns of interactions with certain people who had been close to us in the past. And now, I’ve changed jobs.

Well, technically I’m not changing jobs. I’m just dropping one part-time gig to focus more fully on my marriage, children, and writing (and eventually speaking, though I’m not doing much of that by choice this year), as well as getting vested in a new church. I’ve loved my time with Key Ministry, and I’m glad to leave the good work in the hands of a competent and compassionate team there.

I might still write for them from time to time. And I’m definitely going to keep using my voice to speak about issues of disability, mental illness, trauma, and faith. You’ll just find those posts here instead of at the Church4EveryChild blog. My last post ran there earlier this week.

So what’s next?

I don’t know. I’m going to keep loving Lee and the kids. I’m going to keep writing and advocating, using my voice and resources to make a difference and say “me too” to others who struggle. I’m going to rest more and care for myself better than I have historically. I’ll probably do some freelance work, but I’m not in a huge rush with that.

And? I don’t really know for sure what’s next. Nor do I feel the need to figure that out right now. I have the privilege of being a stay-at-home mom without a professional gameplan, and I'm happy to rest in that uncertainty.

All any of us can do is take the next right step. Today I’m doing that. I’m not sure where this path will lead, but I know God writes the best stories. As Mother Teresa said, I’m just a pencil in his hand.

And I’m excited to see what the coming pages will hold.